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  6. WBM3036 - RTA White Shaker Wall Microwave Cabinet 30" Wide x 36" Tall x 21" Deep (Depth Modifications Available)
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WBM3036 - RTA White Shaker Wall Microwave Cabinet 30
Wall Built In Microwave Cabinet

WBM3036 - RTA White Shaker Wall Microwave Cabinet 30" Wide x 36" Tall x 21" Deep (Depth Modifications Available)

Part Number: WBM3036:SCWHT
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On sale $578.05 $346.83
Your Savings:$231.22(40%)
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Feature: 582
Dimensions: 30" Wide, 21" Deep, 36" High
Feature: Depth Modification Available


Installing your microwave within a wall cabinet lends a built-in appearance that many prefer, as it looks smoother and more professional. It also reduces clutter and clears countertop space that the microwave would otherwise fill. Our Wall Built In Microwave Cabinet is the perfect solution for a microwave wall cabinet installation and has a double-door cabinet just above the microwave space, offering excellent storage as well as keeping your microwave out of the way. This Summit White Wall Built In Microwave Cabinet is a perfect match for our other Summit White cabinetry and measures 30" wide x 36" tall x 21" deep.