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  6. B18 - RTA Dark Gray Shaker Single Door Base Cabinet 18" Wide x 24" Deep x 34.5" Tall
Please contact us with any question on our RTA Kitchen Cabinets.  Office hours Monday-Friday 9:00a.m. - 4:00p.m. CST.  Office: (615) 828-8377 or Email: [email protected] Thank you for your business, we look forward to working with you on your dream kitchen.
B18 - RTA Dark Gray Shaker Single Door Base Cabinet 18
Single Door Base Cabinet

B18 - RTA Dark Gray Shaker Single Door Base Cabinet 18" Wide x 24" Deep x 34.5" Tall

Part Number: B18:SCDGS
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On sale $658.33 $395.00
Your Savings:$263.33(40%)
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After 15% off at checkout during our Game Day Sale!

Feature: 148
Dimensions: 18" Wide, 24" Deep, 34-1/2" High


Door and drawer combination base cabinets offer the benefits of both an easy-to-access drawer and plenty of cabinet space below. Our Trinity Dark Gray Single Door/Drawer Base Cabinets match the color and style of our other Trinity Dark Gray cabinetry and offer another way to fully customize your space! Customizations include your choice of door hinge direction (opening to the left or right). This Single Door/Drawer Base Cabinet measures 18" wide x 34.5" tall x 24" deep.